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Tantric Intercourse


What, then, is the essence of tantric sex? We'll go into great detail on what tantric sex is, the theories that underlie it, and the reasons that it matters here.

Tantric Intercourse

Deeply Tantric Sexuality

Tantric sex is a kind of sexual encounter that emphasizes slowing down, taking it slow, and savoring the moment's pleasure and experience. It's more leisurely, deliberate, and enjoyable than rapid sex.

It's conceptualized as the antithesis of a quickie, hurried intercourse, or anything that appears virtually pointless and hurried. All of this has to do with appreciating the other person and generally has to do with growing closer.

It's fantastic for committed couples who love having deep connections with their partners rather than just having sex.

This kind of sex isn't just any old generic kind that you have; rather, it's a meticulous, traditional process that needs to be followed. This is a very old Hindu custom that dates back at least 5,000 years. Thus, the answer is that it has been around for a while.

The idea behind it is that various energies expand and wave, uniting them in a profound, personal relationship with one another.


Its purpose is to establish a connection between the mind and body, and it is extremely slow. It's claimed that this relationship causes strong orgasms to occur.

Almost everyone who is physically capable of doing it can accomplish it. This is how you revitalize your sexual life or perhaps discover a deeper meaning in the act of making love.

Tantric sexual practice

How thus do you engage in tantric sex? We'll go through the entire process now.

You won't find a single, set formula for tantric sex, that much is true. It goes beyond a merely a collection of compatible tenets. There are a few options available to you, and although they do entail physically stimulating and penetrating your erogenous zones, they differ slightly from standard intercourse.

You must now prepare yourself for tantric sex before you can start. You may truly get into the mood by dressing sexily in something that makes you feel confident, taking a bath with your significant other, and getting passionate massages.

To have the best tantric sex possible, there are a few perfect conditions that must be satisfied.

Initially, you should concentrate on your breathing and take a time to become aware of every energy in your body. Adjust your posture and practice mindful breathing. Shut your eyes and work together on this.

Don't, however, close your eyes during the entire performance. It's crucial to remember to maintain eye contact during tantric sex. The entrance to your soul is through your eyes. You will enter a deep and changed condition when you stare at your spouse, which will affect how you approach your interactions with them.

Additionally, you should concentrate on enjoying the experience fully and without rushing during tantric sex.


Additionally, you should make sure that you have foreplay before you start.

In fact, you should stimulate your partner's genitalia slowly and mindfully. If you caress your partner's breast, for instance, perhaps do it in a

like "three for thirty." It means that everything you would do for thirty

strokes, and just three should be performed in the same amount of time. This helps you become more patient and ensures that you can strengthen your bond with the other person. As always, maintain steady breathing and maximum eye contact.

Think About Wave Motions

For the most part, this is it. Your energy levels will improve with each other's undulations. Your pelvic and PC muscles will move when you build an energy pump. When you do exert pressure with your hands, fingers, or any other part of your body on someone else, visualize it as an energy pump that travels through your body, up the top of your head, and into the body of your partner.

Every Day Prayer

This is a tantric sex practice that is specifically recommended by some individuals. It involves practically spooning your spouse in the morning while they are behind you. After inserting the penis inside of you, he briefly leaves it there. Simply lying there, breathing together.

Simply experience the movements without making any movements at all. This may sound unusual, but even though it's not intense foreplay, it can still be fascinating and engaging for both people.

Amazing Tantric Sex Tips and Tricks

We've covered just about everything you need to know to begin having tantric sex, but what will really make it spectacular? Here are some helpful hints and techniques for learning tantra. These ten suggestions will transform your sexual life, alter your perspective, and enhance the encounter.

Extending and Getting Ready

Breathing is crucial for tantra, as we've already discussed, but it's also beneficial to have your body as limber as possible. When you do this, make an effort to clear your thoughts of all negative ideas and things that are preventing you from moving forward. Imagine all of your tensions leaving your body as you prepare and stretch it. That should be the experience you have. You'll feel lighter the more you let go.

Along with working through these issues, you should write down anything that's impeding your spiritual development and preventing you from enjoying sex with your spouse. By doing this, you'll be able to focus on the event by improving your mindset and clearing your head.

Keep Your Home's Temperature in Mind

Most people are unaware of how much of an impact their home's temperature has on the dynamics of tantric sex. Indeed, having too much heat or cold in your house might ruin this wonderful sex experience.

Attempt to maintain it at roughly 72 degrees at all times. It's a comfortable temperature, and if it gets really cold outside, you can easily turn on the heat for an hour or so to make it more cozier. Turn on the air conditioner if it's warm; adjust the temperature to about 70 degrees so that the room stays cool without being too cold for the two of you.

Aromas in abundance

The aroma is one method to really make the venue stand out and improve your experience. Scented candles are a nice idea, and they'll give it a romantic feel. However, if you're serious about creating a pleasant scent in the room, consider diffusing your favorite essential oil throughout. I enjoy lavender because it smells wonderful and has a soothing quality.

Another excellent idea is to light incense sticks, or you could even just place flowers around the space to provide a lovely accent.

The purpose of this is to give your room a little something extra. Select a perfume that you enjoy and that is not overpowering or upsetting to your senses when selecting a scent. Thus, while a large bowl of potpourri might not be the best option, a small amount of rose essential oil worn around your neck or diffused will add that sensuous, seductive touch.

Be Aware

Being aware of your feelings and experiences is crucial in this situation. The most important thing to keep in mind is that it's normal for your thoughts to wander. When it does stray, though, recognize it and bring it back. It's important to fully observe how your body feels throughout these events.

It's normal for you to feel the complete spectrum of emotions, which you may also experience. This gives you access to the energy and power that surrounds you and your partner and allows you to feel all that is going on. Try your hardest to let go and to be aware of your requirements and needs. You may experience occasional frustration. Recognize that this is how your body and mind are responding to it, and that it may take some time to adjust.

Tantric Positions

The Windward One

Deep entrance is considered in this process, which is inspired by the yoga pose of the same name. Additionally, it allows for

the pair to stay in communication. In order to do this technique, the woman should lie on her side and use her hands to support the weight of her chest. With her other leg resting on the bed, she should raise one and rest it on her darling's shoulder. An alternative to this similar stance is for the guy to lie down behind the woman and approach his partner from the back.

The Yum Yab

The ideal posture for tantric sex is thought to be the Yab Yum position. It accounts for synchronized climaxes and is a genuinely easy scenario to execute. Numerous locations are animated with the aid of this position. Similarly, the man's hands are free at this moment to touch his beloved's body in any way he pleases. Since the pair would be facing one other, this includes passionate kisses as well. The man should keep his back straight and sit leg over leg on the bed or another comfortable surface. The woman ought to cross her legs over his lower back and straddle him. It considers sporadic, delayed developments that can assist the couple in reaching a comprehensively planned climax.

The catch

In this position, the man is able to see his sweetheart's face rather well, and vice versa. This is a really alluring position that helps to make both lovers feel good. The woman should be positioned on a high platform, such as a table or perhaps the kitchen counter, to carry out this process. The next step will be for her to lie back and use her hands to support herself as she leans into her elbows to realign her head and upper middle. The man ought to stay between her parted legs and come into her. This is a representation that is perfect for an impromptu frolic and doesn't have to be kept inside the room.

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