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Exploring Kink Together: A Guide to Safe, Consensual, and Fun Sexual Discovery

Even though you've never traveled this path before, it might be the perfect way to lead your significant other to the Land of "O." While each person is unique, 50 Shades of Grey does highlight the fact that many women are open to having some kinky sex. That's most likely due to the fact that millions of women who purchased that book have never made an attempt to go there. Many males have also not done so.

Kink is something worth investigating if you're looking to get the biggest bang for your money. This is not something you just throw at her, as usual. Before you start going to the sex shop and buying leather straps and riding crops, you discuss this in advance and thoroughly investigate your options.

For some people, bringing up the topic can be a little intimidating. Because of the idea that it's "weird" or abnormal, kink is seen as a bit of a sensitive topic. It's really just an additional bedroom choice. Building a dungeon is not necessary in order to go for a kinky stroll. Additionally, you do not have to purchase latex body stockings. The first thing you should do is find out what kind of kink your wife might be into and what aspects of that world appeal to her in the correct way.

Fetish play is not the same as kink play. That one ought to be our first priority right away. (Not that having a fetish is inherently bad. It's a highly personal and widespread phenomenon. Something like boots, underwear, a certain body region, smoking, etc. might trigger kink. A fetish differs in that the one experiencing it needs the fetish object in order to fulfill their craving. For example, boots must be worn during sexual activity. It's not necessary for the object to always be there when there is a kink. Sometimes all it takes is a guest star when the mood takes you!

And isn't that the main point of all of this? It has to do with attitude. It's not Monday every day. Sushi isn't always a dinner (well, maybe for some guys). A consistent routine of the same actions and sex play every time you two get down is not going to turn on a woman. Women really want to connect, and you can actually improve both of your experiences by sharing a private world of sexual fantasy.

Set away your preconceived notions. Kink might not be the final component of your voyage of discovery, but it might be something you can use to increase your sexual quotient with women and, consequently, your sexual IQ!

Visit the neighborhood sex shop together after you've decided that you both want to try on a little kink. You're not going to get anywhere by coming in there all cloaked and dagger and hanging out on the shelves by yourself. You two have to leave. Turn it into an occasion. Make a plan ahead of time and mark off the days on the calendar as you go. Next, decide on your sex shop get-ups for the big day. Make sure your choice piques her interest. She'll reciprocate for you. You'll want to test drive your new toys after your visit, so getting dressed for the event is just another way to engage in some foreplay. That's also what going to the sex store entails. Man, foreplay. Largely.

Finish your assignments. Select a sexual establishment that is well-liked by couples and has a positive reputation with its clientele. You should avoid going to any of those establishments that have a backroom business. There are lots of respectable establishments these days if you're looking for one. Make sure the location you and your partner are visiting will make her feel at ease.

Enter the space as though you are the owner of it. Enjoy yourself while doing it. You'll know whether to look under "restraints," "crops," "latex," or all of the above because you and your lover have already talked about the kind of kinky fun you'll be having together! As was said before in this book, you might also want to check out the selection of lubricants and other products. You're putting everything on the line to assist your wife in crossing the fabled "O" border, so go all out. Stock that cart with climax-inducing pleasure!

And listen, it's okay if you're too shy or inexperienced to visit a sex store. Online, you may order secretly from the comfort of your home and find plenty of kink. If that's where you are at, then there is no criminal involved. Personally, I find it more enjoyable to explore the vast and dangerous world, but that's just me. You might have to save that adventure for another time.

Recall that kink is entirely subjective. Play with the new toys you have. You should probably begin doing it as soon as they come out of the wrappers! Remember to stay in touch with each other at every stage. There are two possible outcomes from those steps: either you end yourself in the doghouse, where there is no sex, or you go straight to orgasmic bliss. Not at all. Continue your dialogue in an open manner.

Remember that you must set ground rules if you are going to participate in any kind of bondage, no matter how minor. To make sure that you both understand when a boundary is being breached, a safe word should be established. Anything from "jello" to "Nixon" may be that. Select a word that both of you agree on and that you won't normally use during your sex play. Respect and consider that statement carefully. The doghouse calls to you if you don't. Verify that you and your partner are exactly on the same page, as well as on the same line and word. When incorporating kink into your sexual repertoire, this is crucial. You're here to assist your wife in making a dramatic and memorable exit. This is something you should always be thinking about.

It could be beneficial to bolster yourself a bit if you decide to pursue bondage. Bondage is an exquisite art form, and successfully participating in bondage play requires a strong psychological component. There will be a dominant and a submissive one among you. To be crystal clear, it's not always the case that the dom and the sub are the same person. As a manifestation of their individuality, the majority of people favor one role over another. Some, though, particularly novices, want to mix things up. A great way to get to know each other better is to be open and explore your respective roles, especially in terms of your sexuality. It may come as a shock to some guys, but being a dom woman's sub is actually sort of enjoyable.

As we've already covered, the gender straightjacket dictates our identity and behavior from birth to death. Whether the world likes to acknowledge it or not, we all know that being a man involves effort, every single day. We are under a great deal of pressure to provide the items. We're supposed to live up to certain expectations about what it means to be a man at work, at home, and in bed. Our ability to be men is continuously questioned.

However, being a man is more than one thing. It's not a stereotype in the same sense as femininity. Perhaps exploring your inner sub is the first step toward discovering a completely different perspective on who you are as a guy. It's not appropriate for every guy, though. It's not. Not everyone is the same. In actuality, though, some of you could find it fascinating and, most importantly, enjoyable. If this aspect of you appeals to your woman, she might be curious to explore it too, and if so, you should have a successful relationship. Well, that's a hell of a thing.

Being a male, you're always supposed to be in command, to have control over your emotions and your environment. Giving up some of the pressure to be Mr. Tough might be accomplished by adopting a submissive role. It is a moment of release and submission that you might not be able to take for yourself in other situations when you are voluntarily under someone else's control. Like I mentioned, not for everyone. However, some of you might enjoy it. Don't disregard it.

Just like anything else, you have to try it to find out!

Your path to sexual ecstasy and possibly even learning some new facts about each other that you were unaware of is to express your desires to her and encourage her to express hers. There is endless enjoyment, discovery, and revelation to be had. As soon as you feel ready, give it your all. Your woman's orgasms (and yours, too, by the way) will be earth-shattering and more abundant the more willing you are to break free from your straightjacket.

Gents, get in the kink!

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